Events | Max-Planck-Institut für Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitik - MPISOC
Events of the Institute


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Date: 20.01.2021

MEA Seminar with Yanxiang Yang (TUM) & Vesile Kutlu Koc

Dr. Vesile Kutlu Koc
Date: 13.01.2021

Romuald Méango: The Option Value of Overstaying

Romuald Méango, Ph. D.
Date: 25.11.2020

Maria José Mendoza Jiménez, Tessa-Virginia Hannemann & Josefine Atzendorf: Behavioural Risk Factors and Preventative Covid-19 Measures amongst a High-Risk Population

Tessa-Virginia Hannemann; Maria José Mendoza Jiménez, M.Sc.; Dr. Dipl.-Soz. Josefine Atzendorf, B.Sc. Psych.

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