Interdisciplinary Projects | Max-Planck-Institut für Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitik - MPISOC
Interdisciplinary Projects

Interdisciplinary Projects

Lost Potentials?

The completed project "Lost Potentials? The Rights and Lives of the Excluded" examined the issues of inclusion and exclusion associated with migration from a legal, socio-political and sociological perspective. It is part of the research initiative "The Challenges of Migration and Integration" of the Max Planck Society.

Baltic Sea States


The aim of the research project "Populations and Policies in the Baltic Sea States" is to investigate determinants of population development in the Baltic Sea region. This involves various research fields such as family, work, health and migration, which requires a strong interdisciplinary framework: The project brings together researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy in Munich and the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock who have backgrounds in demography, economics, epidemiology, public health, social policy and law. Both Max Planck Institutes have established a broad network of national and international research collaborations, particularly within the Baltic Sea region, and are internationally leading research centres in their fields.



Dr. Christian Günther Awarded LMU Faculty Prize


His doctoral thesis is among the best: Dr. Christian Günther has now received the Faculty Prize of the Faculty of Law at Ludwig Maximilian University in recognition of his outstanding achievements. Günther completed both his dissertation entitled “Ar…

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25.02.2025 17:15 - 18:45
Yves Jorens Marstallplatz 1, Room E 10