Library | Max-Planck-Institut für Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitik - MPISOC


The library of the Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy is a specialist scientific library. It is considered to have the largest holdings of social law literature worldwide. The Library offers an outstanding collection of specialised literature on German, foreign and international social law and on international, European and German social policy. In addition to national and international constitutional and administrative law, European law as well as economic and public procurement law, the library also has a collection of works on mathematics, statistics, philosophy, sociology and the economic sciences. Moreover it holds literature on the major organisations and institutions dealing with social law and social policy such as the International Labour Organization, the European Union, the OECD, the United Nations, etc.


The library comprises about 125,000 volumes, consisting of some 15 000 bound journals and continuing sets. The library's online catalogue (Web-OPAC) contains the complete holdings available at the Institute. In addition to printed media, the library offers a variety of electronic resources.

Apart from the scientists of the Institute, guests can also use the library. Visitors with a scientific interest are requested to register with the library management. Our staff will be happy to help should you have queries regarding the use of the library.

The library of the Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy is a reference library. Extramural loan is not possible. Please understand that we cannot send out bibliographic records or deliver copies of articles.

Important Information

As the Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy is currently located in an interim building, not all of the Institute's holdings are accessible for the time being. Enquiries can be sent to the following email address: bibliothek (at) The online services are available as usual.