Resources | Max-Planck-Institut für Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitik - MPISOC



The library makes printed and electronic media available to the Institute's scientists and guests for their scientific work. Should a medium not be available, it may be procured at short notice.

Users of the library have the possibility to search in different databases:

Online Catalogue (Web-OPAC)

All books, journals and media available in printed form can be searched via the library's online catalogue (OPAC). Here you can also see whether the work is on site or borrowed.

Electronic Media

Electronic media can be searched centrally via the MPG Resource Navigator (ReNa), journals via the Electronic Journals Library (EZB).

The content-based classification system is explained separately here. In addition to the location of the medium (signature), it also represents a content indexing (notation). Signature and notation can also be found in the OPAC catalogue.