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Bethmann, Arne; Buschle, Christina; Reiter, Herwig (2019): "Kognitiv oder qualitativ? Pretest-Interviews in der Fragebogenentwicklung", In: Menold, Natalja; Wolbring, Tobias (eds.), Qualitätssicherung sozialwissenschaftlicher Erhebungsinstrumente, Springer VS, Wiesbaden, pp. 159-193.
Social embeddedness of care recipients and their spousal caregivers
Tracking and educational inequality in health in later life
The Two Revolutions, Landed Elites and Education during the Industrial Revolution
Bergmann, Michael; Schmid, Susanne; Butt, Sarah; Ghirelli, Niccolò; Maineri, Angelica; Borghesan, Giovanni; Emery, Tom (2019): "Overview of the use of sampling frames in European studies". In: Deliverable 2.1 of the SERISS project funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme GA No: 654221.
Bergmann, Michael; Kneip, Thorsten; de Luca, Giuseppe; Scherpenzeel, Annette (2019): Survey participation in the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), Wave 1-7, SHARE Working Paper Series 41-2019, Munich Center for the Economics of Aging (MEA).
Bethmann, Arne; Bergmann, Michael; Scherpenzeel, Annette (2019): SHARE Sampling Guide – Wave 8 - Version 8.0.1, SHARE Working Paper Series 33-2019, Munich Center for the Economics of Aging (MEA).
Changes in body mass and cognitive decline - Disentangling a seeming paradox
SHARE Wave 7 Methodology: Panel innovations and life histories