17-2014 Börsch-Supan, Axel; Coppola, Michela; Rausch, Johannes: "Die Rente mit 63: Wer sind die Begünstigten? Was sind die Auswirkungen auf die Gesetzliche Rentenversicherung?".
14-2014 Drerup, Tilman; Enke, Benjamin; von Gaudecker, Hans-Martin: "Measurement Error in Subjective Expectation and the Empirical Content of Economic Models".
13-2014 Harenberg, Daniel; Ludwig, Alexander: "Social Security in an Analytically Tractable Overlapping Generations Model with Aggregate and Idiosyncratic Risk".
12-2014 Mathä, Thomas Y.; Porpiglia, Alessandro; Ziegelmeyer, Michael: "Household wealth in the euro area: The importance of intergenerational transfers, homeownership and house price dynamics".
11-2014 Mathä, Thomas Y.; Porpiglia, Alessandro; Ziegelmeyer, Michael: "Wealth differences across borders and the of real effect estate price dynamics: Evidence from two household surveys".