Filter | Munich Center for the Economics of Aging - MEA



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Hank, Karsten; Stuck, Stephanie (2009): "Gesellschaftliche Determinanten produktiven Alterns in Europa", In: Börsch-Supan, Axel (ed.), 50plus in Deutschland und Europa - Ergebnisse des Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, VS Verlag, Wiesbaden, pp. 71 - 93.
Börsch-Supan, Axel; Erlinghagen, Marcel; Hank, Karsten; Wagner, Gert G. (2009) (eds.): Produktivität in alternden Gesellschaften. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart.
Hank, Karsten; Jürges, Hendrik; Schupp, Jürgen; Wagner, Gert G. (2009): "Isometrische Greifkraft und sozialgerontologische Forschung: Ergebnisse und Analysepotentiale des SHARE und SOEP". In: Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie, 42, pp. 117 - 126.
Reil-Held, Anette (2009): "Erbschaften und (Generationen-)Gerechtigkeit - Eine ökonomische Perspektive", In: Goldschmidt, N. (ed.), Generationengerechtigkeit Ordnungsökonomische Konzepte, J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), Tübingen, forthcoming August 2009..
Börsch-Supan, Axel; Jürges, Hendrik (2009): "Early Retirement, Social Security and Well-Being in Germany", In: Wise, David (ed.), Developments in the Economics of Aging, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Johannes Binswanger, Daniel Schunk: "What is an adequate standard of living during retirement?".
: "Who has a clue to preventing the flu? Unravelling supply and demand effects on the take-up of influenza vaccinations".
Jürgen Maurer, Roger Klein: "Subjective Health Assessments and Active Labor Market Participation of Older Men: Evidence from a Semiparametric Binary Choice Model with Nonadditive Correlated Individualspecific Effects".
Melanie Lührmann, Jürgen Maurer: "Who wears the trousers? A semiparametric analysis of decision power in couples".
Jürgen Maurer, André Meier: "Smooth it Like the “Joneses?” Estimating Peer-Group Effects in Intertemporal Consumption Choice".