SHARE Financial Management | Munich Center for the Economics of Aging - MEA
01.01.2018 - 31.12.2020 / SHARE - Infrastructure

SHARE Financial Management

The SHARE financial unit is planning and administering the overall SHARE budget, including the SHARE budget at the Max-Planck-Institute and the budget of the legal entity SHARE-ERIC. Funding sources are threefold. First, on the national level in each participating country: The national SHARE country teams and the SHARE survey are either financed by the national governments or other public research institutions, sometimes with the help of Structural Funds on the national level, or the European Commission through SHARE-ERIC. Second, the international coordination of SHARE which takes place at the Munich Center for the Economics of Aging in Munich is financed in common by the German Federal Ministry for Research and Education BMBF and the Max-Planck-Society. Further scientific area coordination outside Germany is financed by the European Commission. The US-american National Institutes of Health are funding further sub-projects to enhance the comparability of SHARE with the US-american Health and Retirement Study HRS and the English Longitudinal study of ageing ELSA. The SHARE financial unit prepares and coordinates applications, scientific and financial reportings, fieldwork procurement and survey contracts for all countries, together with the respective SHARE country team in each of the participating countries.

Contact Person(s)

Kathrin Axt, M.A.

Presentations and Contributions
Daniel Schmidutz, M.A. mult.