Medizinische Sachverständigengutachten im sozialgerichtlichen Verfahren [Medical Expert Opinions in Social Court Proceedings] | Max-Planck-Institut für Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitik - MPISOC

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01.04.2013 / Sozialrecht EN

Medizinische Sachverständigengutachten im sozialgerichtlichen Verfahren [Medical Expert Opinions in Social Court Proceedings]

Social court proceedings often revolve around complex medical issues. Often, medical experts are requested to assist in the proceedings to clarify the facts. Apart from obtaining expert opinions through the official channels the court may, due to the nature of the German Social Court Act, have a physician of the plaintiff’s choice testify as expert witness. This project examined through nationwide research the extent to which the latter procedure impacts the outcome of social court proceedings. It also seeks to further expose the connection between legal doctrine and empirical law research.

Yearbook of the Max Planck Society 2013

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