Otto-Hahn-Medaille für Felizia Hanemann
Für ihre Doktorarbeit erhielt Dr. Felizia Hanemann vom Max-Planck-Institut für Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitik die Otto-Hahn-Medaille der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft. Die Auszeichnung würdigt herausragende
Prof. Becker Explains Asylum Law in 70 Seconds
On the occasion of the anniversary of the German Basic Law, the Federal Government has asked well-known constitutional experts to explain the 19 fundamental rights in 70 seconds each. In his short con
SHARE Wave 7 Data Released
The SHARE Release 7.0.0 includes the first release of wave 7 data. Eight new countries joined SHARE in wave 7: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Romania and Slovakia. The data colle