Pension Agreement for the Self-Employed
Pension Agreement for the Self-Employed Pensioenovereenkomst voor zelfstandigen, POZ Coverage Voluntary participation The self-employed, the assisting spouse and the helper (excluding managers). Finan
Individual Pension Commitment
Individual Pension Commitment Individuele pensioentoezegging, IPT Coverage Voluntary participation Self-employed managers with a company. Financing General finances A pension capital (system of capita
Retirement Savings and Long-Term Savings
Retirement Savings and Long-Term Savings Pensioensparen en langetermijnsparen Coverage Voluntary Participation Everyone between the ages of 18 and 65 with taxable income in Belgium. Domicile: the pers
The Belgian Old Age Security System in 2020 By Yves Jorens, Ghent University The development of the old age pension system in Belgium has a long history which has led to three distinct statutory pensi