Platform Work as a New Form of Employment: Implications for Labour and Social Law | Max-Planck-Institut für Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitik - MPISOC

Publication Series of the MPI for Social Law

Platform Work as a New Form of Employment: Implications for Labour and Social Law


With the present article the author seeks to answer what is really new about platform work. In particular, the article reflects the new business model of platform work, the difference between algorithmic control and so-called ‘informational’ control, similarities and disparities in control mechanisms used in dependent employment and in platform work. The key question addressed is whether with platform work (apart from personal and economic dependence) a new kind of dependence has emerged in relation to platform providers or clients. Therefore, on the one hand, features of dependence of platform workers are compared with the situation in other employment categories. On the other hand, court decisions concerning the employment classification of platform workers (taxi drivers and couriers) are analyzed. The article concludes with proposals concerning the modification of employment classification criteria.

Publication Details

Olga Chesalina

S. 153–167
Springer VS
New Forms of Employment
online first