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Bertozzi, Fabio; Bonoli, Giuliano; Ross, Friso:
The Swiss road to activation : legal aspects, implementation and outcomes, in: Eichhorst, Werner; Kaufmann, Otto; Konle-Seidl, Regina (eds.), Bringing the jobless into work? : experiences with activation schemes in Europe and the US, Berlin [u.a.] 2008, pp. 121-159.
Reinhard, Hans-Joachim; Kaufmann, Otto:
Activation from a legal point of view : concluding remarks, in: Kaufmann, Otto; Eichhorst, Werner; Konle-Seidl, Regina (eds.), Bringing the jobless into work? : experiences with activation schemes in Europe and the US, Berlin [u.a.] 2008, pp. 445-460.
Barbier, Jean-Claude; Kaufmann, Otto:
The French strategy against unemployment: innovative but inconsistent, in: Kaufmann, Otto; Eichhorst, Werner; Konle-Seidl, Regina (eds.), Bringing the jobless into work? : experiences with activation schemes in Europe and the US, Berlin [u.a.] 2008, pp. 69-120.
Eichhorst, Werner/Kaufmann, Otto/Konle-Seidl, Regina (eds.) :
Bringing the jobless into work? : experiences with activation schemes in Europe and the US, Berlin [u.a.] 2008.
Reinhard, Hans-Joachim:
Eigenverantwortung, private und öffentliche Solidarität – Rollenleitbilder im deutschen Sozialrecht, in: Forschungsreihe, Baden-Baden [u.a.] 2008, pp. 114-134.
Köhler, Peter A.:
Rollenleitbilder im Familien- und Sozialrecht Dänemarks, in: Forschungsreihe, Baden-Baden [u.a.] 2008, pp. 384-411.
Kaufmann, Otto:
Türkiye'de ve almanya'da sosyal güvenlik sistemleri reformları, in: Türkiye'de ve almanya'da ekonomik ve sosyopolitik yapısal reformlar, Ankara 2008, pp. 301-322.
Kaufmann, Otto:
Reform der sozialen Sicherungssysteme in Deutschland und der Türkei, in: Wirtschaftliche und sozialpolitische Strukturreformen in Deutschland und der Türkei : 18.-19.10.2007, Izmir, Ankara 2008, pp. 365-388.
Darimont, Barbara:
Social security in contemporary China, in: Heberer, Thomas; Schubert, Gunter (eds.), Routledge contemporary China series, London 2008, pp. 199-221.
Quade, Benno; O'Leary, Christopher J.; Dupper, Ockert:
Activation from income support in the US, in: Eichhorst, Werner; Kaufmann, Otto; Konle-Seidl, Regina (eds.), Bringing the jobless into work? : experiences with activation schemes in Europe and the US, Berlin [u.a.] 2008, pp. 346-414.


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