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Publication Series of the MPI for Social Law



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Zugang zu Sozialleistungen in Taiwan
Tecnologie sanitarie innovative: il diritto di fronte all’incertezza scientifica ed etica
Klägerfreundlichkeit als Prinzip des Sozialgerichtsverfahrens - ein deutsch-slowenischer Rechtsvergleich
Hruschka, Constantin; Rohmann, Tim:
Excluded by crisis management? Legislative hyperactivity in post- 2015 Germany, in: International Migration, (2021).
We Managed - and we Changed in the Process
Petrova, Teodora:
The ‘Quiet’ Revolutions in Social Protection and the Constitutional Safeguards in Eastern Europe: The Cases of Bulgaria, Slovenia, and Latvia, in: Belov, Martin (ed.), Peace, Discontent and Constitutional Law: Challenges to Constitutional Order and Democracy, London 2021.
Carney, Terry:
Australia 2020: Transitory Pandemic Protection or Structural Welfare Reform?, Social Law Reports, 2021.
Health Outcomes and Health Inequalities
Hruschka, Constantin:
§§ 46-49b AufenthG, in: Kluth, Winfried; Heusch, Andreas (eds.), Ausländerrecht – Kommentar, ed., München 2021.


Edited Books

Book Chapters

Journal Articles