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Chesalina, Olga:
Zakonodatel'stvo v sfere truda i social'nogo obespechenija v uslovijah pandemii v FRG (Legislation in the Field of Labour and Social Security in the Context of the COVID-Pandemic in Germany), in: Shesterjakowa, Irina (ed.), Primenenie zakonodatel'stva v sfere truda i social'nogo obespechenija: mezhdunarodnyj i nacional'nyj aspekty: sbornik statej po materialam II Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, Saratov, 7.07.2020 (Materials of the International Scientific-Practical Conference “Application of Legislation in the Field of Labour and Social Security: International and national aspects”), Saratov 2020, pp. 170-174.
Hruschka, Constantin:
Am Schutz orientiert: Der EuGH zum Schutz bei Verweigerung des Militärdiensts in Syrien, 20.11.2020,
Judging commercial surrogacy and public policy: an analysis of Whittington Hospital NHS Trust v XX (UK Supreme Court)
Tonti, Lauren:
The International Health Regulations: The Past and the Present, But What Future?, 09.04.2020,
Protecting Livelihoods in the COVID-19 Crisis: Legal Comparison of Measures to Maintain Employment, the Economy and Social Protection
Petrova, Teodora:
The Winding Development of the Bulgarian Pension Reforms: A Look to the Last 10 Years, in: Международната организация на труда и България - 100 години и занапред (The International Labour Organization and Bulgaria: 100 Years History and Future Developments), Sofia 2020, pp. 367-379.
Grinblat, Roman:
§ 124 SGB V, in: Orlowski, Ulrich; Remmert, Jens (eds.), Sozialgesetzbuch Fünftes Buch – SGB V, Kommentar, Loseblattwerk, Heidelberg 2020.
Grinblat, Roman:
Das Leistungsrecht der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung, in: Ratzel, Rudolf; Luxemburger, Bernd (eds.), Handbuch Medizinrecht, Heidelberg 2020, pp. 240-290.
Chesalina, Olga:
‘Glass Employees’ Vs. Platform Workers: Are There Any Differences, in: Forsyth, A.; Dagnino, E.; Roiatti, M. (eds.), The Value of Work and its Rules between Innovation and Tradition: "Labour is not a Commodity" Today, Cambridge 2020, pp. 654-685.
Hruschka, Constantin; Rohmann, Tim:
Kohärentes Asyl- und Aufenthaltsrecht statt legislativer Hyperaktivität, 13.08.2020,


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