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Publication Series of the MPI for Social Law



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Hohnerlein, Eva Maria:
Addressing Poverty Risks of Lone Mothers in Germany: Social Law Framework and Labour Market Integration., in: Meier-Gräwe, Uta; Motozawa, Miyoko; Schad-Seifert, Annette (eds.), Family Life in Japan and Germany. Challenges for a Gender-Sensitive Family Policy, Berlin 2019, p. 65–90.
Waldenburger, Natalie:
Unterstützte Beschäftigung nach § 55 SGB IX, Baden-Baden 2019.
Chesalina, Olga:
Kategorii zanjatogo naselenija v trudovom prave i prave social'nogo obespechenija v uslovijah cifrovoj jekonomiki (Employment Categories in Labour Law and Social Security Law under the Conditions of Digital Economy), in: Lyutov, Nikita; Sulejmanova, Fatima (eds.), Obshhee i special'noe zakonodatel'stvo o trude i social'nom obespechenii (Chetvertye Gusovskie chtenija): materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno - prakticheskoj konferencii (Materials of the International Scientific-Practical Conference “General and Special Legislation on Labour and Social Security”), Moskau 2019, pp. 352-356.
Reinhard, Hans-Joachim:
Long-Term Care in Germany, in: Becker, Ulrich; Reinhard, Hans-Joachim (eds.), Long-Term Care in Europe, Berlin 2019, pp. 121-175.
Sarlet, Ingo:
Social Security in Brazil in Times of Crisis and Transition, Social Law Reports, 2019.


Edited Books

Book Chapters

Journal Articles