National Pension
- Persons residing in Estonia who have reached the standard statutory retirement age but who do not qualify for any other public old age pension.
- The scheme is entirely tax-financed out of the general budget.
- The ‘Social Insurance Board’, which falls under the government of the Ministry of Social Affairs, manages the scheme (i.e. reviews applications, decides on eligibility, and pays out benefits).
Qualifying Conditions
- Persons must have reached the standard retirement age of the statutory old age pension scheme and must not have the right to receive a pension from the statutory old age pension scheme and the superannuated pensions scheme.
- Persons must reside in Estonia and must have done so for at least 5 years immediately before making a pension claim.
- Persons cannot be recipients of an old age pension from another country.
- Benefits are not means-tested.
- The amount of the flat-rate benefit is EUR 221.63 (in 2020).
- Benefits are granted for life.
- Benefits are not subject to income tax.
Qualifying Conditions
- Persons residing in Estonia who have reached the standard statutory retirement age but who do not qualify for any other public old age pension.
- The scheme is entirely tax-financed out of the general budget.
- The ‘Social Insurance Board’, which falls under the government of the Ministry of Social Affairs, manages the scheme (i.e. reviews applications, decides on eligibility, and pays out benefits).
- Persons must have reached the standard retirement age of the statutory old age pension scheme and must not have the right to receive a pension from the statutory old age pension scheme and the superannuated pensions scheme.
- Persons must reside in Estonia and must have done so for at least 5 years immediately before making a pension claim.
- Persons cannot be recipients of an old age pension from another country.
- Benefits are not means-tested.
- The amount of the flat-rate benefit is EUR 221.63 (in 2020).
- Benefits are granted for life.
- Benefits are not subject to income tax.
Legal Basis: State Pension Insurance Act (Riikliku pensionikindlustuse seadus).