Solidarity Supplement for the Elderly / Extraordinary Supplement for Pensions of Minimums | Max-Planck-Institut für Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitik - MPISOC

Solidarity Supplement for the Elderly

Complemento solidário para idosos, CSI

Legal Basis: Decree-Law No. 232/2005, 29 December (Solidarity Supplement for the Elderly/Complemento Solidário para Idosos; last amendment: Decree-Law No. 94/2020, 3 November); Decree-Regulation No. 3/2006, 6 February (last amendment: Decree-Law No. 94/2020, 3 November).

Extraordinary Supplement for Pensions of Minimums

Complemento extraordinário para pensões de mínimos

1 There are still some other (closed) schemes in the subsystem of solidarity: the special social security scheme for agriculture (regime especial de segurança social das atividades agrícolas) – in this case, the extraordinary supplement for pensions of minimums is lower (EUR 8.49 in 2020) –, transitional schemes of agricultural workers (regimes transitórios dos trabalhadores agrícolas), and other schemes formally considered non-contributory.

Legal Basis: Decree-Law No. 118/2018, 27 December; Regulation (Portaria) No. 29/2020, 31 January.