Early Retirement, Social Security and Well-Being in Germany
Germans retire early. On the one hand, early retirement is very costly and amplifies the burden which
the German public pension system has to carry due to population aging. On the other hand, however,
early retirement is also seen as a much appreciated social achievement which increases the well-being
especially of those workers who suffer from work-related health problems.
This paper investigates the relation between early retirement and well-being using the GSOEP panel
data. The general picture that emerges from our analysis is that early retirement as such seems to be
related to subjective well-being, in fact more so than normal retirement. Early retirement most
probably is a reaction to a health shock. Individuals are less happy in the year of early retirement than
in the years before and after retirement. After retirement, individuals attain their pre-retirement
satisfaction levels after a relatively short while. Hence, the early retirement effect on well-being
appears to be negative and short-lived rather than positive and long. Whether this is an effect of
retirement itself or a psychological adaptation to an underlying shock cannot be identified in our data
and remains an open research issue waiting for a more objective measurement of health.