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Börsch-Supan, Axel; Brandt, Martina; Schröder, Mathis (2013): "SHARELIFE – One century of life histories in Europe". In: Advances in Life Course Research, 18, S. 1 - 5.
Brandt, Martina (2013): "Intergenerational Help and Public Support in Europe. A Case of Specialization?". In: European Societies, 15, S. 26 - 56.
Brandt, Martina; Deindl, Christian (2013): "Intergenerational Transfers to Adult Children in Europe: Do Social Policies Matter?". In: Journal of Marriage and Family, 75, S. 235 - 251.
Coppola, Michela (2013): "The biological standard of living and mortality in Central Italy at the beginning of the 19th century.". In: Economics and Human Biology, 11, S. 453 - 464.
W. Jake, Jacobs; Melissa, Sisco; Dawn, Hill; Malter, Frederic; Aurelio Jose, Figueredo (2012): "Evaluating theory-based evaluation: Information, norms, and adherence". In: Evaluation and Program Planning, 35.
Olshansky, S. Jay; Antonucci, Toni; Berkman, Lisa; Binstock, Robert H.; Börsch-Supan, Axel; Bruce, Carnes; Laura, Carstensen; Linda, Fried; Dana P., Goldman; James, Jackson; Martin, Kohli; John, Rothe (2012): "Differences In Life Expectancy due to Race and Educational Differences are Widening, and Many May Not Catch Up". In: Health Affairs, 31, S. 1803 - 13.
Börsch-Supan, Axel (2012): "Wie gut können wir die Folgen des demographischen Wandels abschätzen? Was ist sicher? Wozu brauchen wir bessere Daten?". In: AStA Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv, 6, S. 65 - 82.
Börsch-Supan, Axel (2012): "Identifying Effects of Health and Long-term Care Policies Through Cross-National Analysis". In: European Journal of Ageing, 9, S. 65 - 68.
Coppola, Michela (2012): "Einkommens- und Vermögenssituation der Babyboomer". In: Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung, 80, S. 31 - 50.