08-2019 Castellino, Onorato; Fornero, Elsa; Wilke, Christina Benita: "Pension Policy in Europe and the United States – Towards a new Public-Private Pension Mix".
07-2019 Börsch-Supan, Axel; Weiss, Luzia; Börsch-Supan, Martina; Potter, Alan; Cofferen, Jake; Kerschner, Elizabeth: "Comparing Health in Europe based on Dried Blood Spot Samples".
03-2019 Bucher-Koenen, Tabea; Farbmacher, Helmut; Guber, Raphael; Vikström, Johan: "Double trouble: The burden of child rearing and working on maternal mortality".
02-2019 Pettinicchi, Yuri; Börsch-Supan, Axel: "Retirement Income Adequacy of Traditionally Employed and Self-Employed Workers: Analyses with SHARE Data".
01-2019 Khourshed, May; Hunkler, Christian; Méango, Romuald; Börsch-Supan, Axel: "Qualifications, Potentials and Life Courses of Syrian Asylum Seekers in Germany".
Börsch-Supan, Axel; Semedo Leite, Duarte Nuno; Rausch, Johannes (2019): "Demographic changes, migration and economic growth in the euro area", In: European Central Bank (eds.), 20 years of European Economic and Monetary Union, European Central Bank, Frankfurt a.M., pp. 193-230.
Börsch-Supan, Axel (2019): "Old-Age Labor Force Participation in Germany: What explains the trend reversal among men and the steady increase among women?", In: Coile, Courtney C.; Milligan, Kevin; Wise, David A. (eds.), Social Security Programs and Retirement Around the World: Working Longer.