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Friedel, Sabine (2019): "What They Expect Is What You Get: The Role of Interviewer Expectations in Nonresponse to Income and Asset Questions". In: Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, (online first).
Franzese, Fabio; Schütz, Johanna (2019): "Fleischkonsum im Alter – ein Ländervergleich der europäischen Bevölkerung über 50 Jahre", In: Rückert-John, Jana; Kröger, Melanie (eds.), Fleisch. Vom Wohlstandssymbol zur Gefahr für die Zukunft, Nomos, Baden-Baden, pp. 143 - 166.
Schuller, Karin; Weiss, Felix (2019): "The rise of mental health problems, inequality and the role of job strain in Germany". In: Mental Health & Prevention, online first.
Börsch-Supan, Axel (2019): "Pension Reform in Europe", In: Bloom, David E. (ed.), Live Long and Prosper? The Economics of Ageing Populations, Centre for Economic Policy Research, London, pp. 144-149.
Börsch-Supan, Axel; Bucher-Koenen, Tabea; Goll, Nicolas; Kutlu Koc, Vesile (2018): "Dangerous Flexibility – Retirement Reforms Reconsidered". In: Economic Policy, 33, 94, S. 315–355.
Sommer, Elena; Gamper, Markus (2018): "Transnational entrepreneurial activities: A qualitative network study of self-employed migrants from the former Soviet Union in Germany.". In: Social Networks, 53, S. 136-147.
Wagner, Melanie; Brandt, Martina (2018): "Long-term Care Provision and the Well-Being of Spousal Caregivers: An Analysis of 138 European Regions". In: The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 73, 4, S. 24-34.
Schuller, Karin (2018): "Trends in Ethnic Inequality in the Attainment of Vocational Degrees: a Cohort Study in Germany". In: British Journal of Sociology of Education, 39, 4, S. 483-500.
Kuyper, Lisette; Sommer, Elena; Butt, Sarah (2018): "Gender Gaps in the Measurement of Public Opinion about Homosexuality in Cross-National Surveys: A Question Wording Experiment". In: International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 30(4), S. 692-704.
Schels, Brigitte; Bethmann, Arne (2018): "Job search of men and women on long-term social welfare". In: International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 38, 3/4, S. 224-241.