Old Age Pension Scheme for Public Sector Employees | Max-Planck-Institut für Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitik - MPISOC

Old Age Pension Scheme for Public Sector Employees

Gestione dei dipendenti pubblici

1 Cf. the special substitutive pension scheme provided by the Sicily Region (Fondo Pensioni Sicilia) under regional legislation; further special schemes are available for employees and elected subjects of the Chamber of Deputies and of the Senate, providing for life annuities, partially based on contributions; judges and employees of the Constitutional Court; staff of the presidency of the Republic; elected subjects of Ordinary Regions and Special Statute Regions (required to pay notional contributions). Most of the special schemes, e.g. the scheme for former deputies and senators have been remodeled on the basis of a notional defined contribution (NDC) system, cf. regulations on pension benefits for deputies; on pension benefits for senators (2012).

Legal Basis: Decree of the President of the Republic(DPR) No. 1092/1973 (Testo unico delle norme sul trattamento di quiescenza dei dipendenti civili e militari dello Stato); Laws No. 335/1995; No. 214/2011; No. 114/2014; D.L. No. 4/2019, converted into Law No. 26/2019; Law No. 160/2019; Income Tax Act No. 917/1986 (Testo unico delle imposte sui redditi, TUIR).