Supplementary Pension Insurance for Hazardous Jobs
Obvezno dodatno pokojninsko zavarovanje
Mandatory participation
- Persons performing work recognised as especially burdensome or hazardous; persons performing work that cannot be performed professionally after reaching a certain age.
General finances
- Fully funded schemes financed by contribution payments and capital revenues.
Contribution rates
- Contribution rates differ between 8.2% and 8.8%, depending on the nature of the working position.
- Contributions are paid by employer.
- Mandatory Supplementary Pension Insurance Fund.
- The Labour Inspection Authority, the Bank of Slovenia, and different specialised agencies supervise the occupational pension schemes, carry out monitoring and issue decisions in case of violations (e.g. on temporary suspension of fund management authorisation, revocation of fund management authorisation).
Qualifying Conditions
- Retirement age ranges between 52 and 56 (depending on the type of work performed).
- Minimum insurance period: 42.5 years (incl. ‘added periods’, i.e. ¼ of the period in which an insured person was mandatorily insured in the occupational pension insurance scheme, excl. payments for missing contribution periods); depending on the age and categorisation of the workplace’s hazardous or burdensome nature, minimum insurance period (incl. added periods) is 40 years (special conditions apply).
- Sufficient amount of contributory earnings on the individual account required.
Pension payments
- Primarily based on the amount of contributory earnings, length of contribution period, capital revenues and number of years until reaching retirement in statutory pension and disability insurance scheme.
- Fixed-term annuity paid monthly.
Taxation and social security contributions
- Payments are subject to income tax, with tax rates depending on the amount of income, with tax reliefs in place.
- Pension payments are subject to mandatory health insurance.
Qualifying Conditions
Mandatory participation
- Persons performing work recognised as especially burdensome or hazardous; persons performing work that cannot be performed professionally after reaching a certain age.
General finances
- Fully funded schemes financed by contribution payments and capital revenues.
Contribution rates
- Contribution rates differ between 8.2% and 8.8%, depending on the nature of the working position.
- Contributions are paid by employer.
- Mandatory Supplementary Pension Insurance Fund.
- The Labour Inspection Authority, the Bank of Slovenia, and different specialised agencies supervise the occupational pension schemes, carry out monitoring and issue decisions in case of violations (e.g. on temporary suspension of fund management authorisation, revocation of fund management authorisation).
- Retirement age ranges between 52 and 56 (depending on the type of work performed).
- Minimum insurance period: 42.5 years (incl. ‘added periods’, i.e. ¼ of the period in which an insured person was mandatorily insured in the occupational pension insurance scheme, excl. payments for missing contribution periods); depending on the age and categorisation of the workplace’s hazardous or burdensome nature, minimum insurance period (incl. added periods) is 40 years (special conditions apply).
- Sufficient amount of contributory earnings on the individual account required.
Pension payments
- Primarily based on the amount of contributory earnings, length of contribution period, capital revenues and number of years until reaching retirement in statutory pension and disability insurance scheme.
- Fixed-term annuity paid monthly.
Taxation and social security contributions
- Payments are subject to income tax, with tax rates depending on the amount of income, with tax reliefs in place.
- Pension payments are subject to mandatory health insurance.
Legal Basis: Pension and Disability Insurance Act (Zakon o pokojninskem in invalidskem zavarovanju).