Verso il ripensamento del compromesso sull’aborto in Germania. Riflessioni sulla recente abolizione del divieto di informare sulle procedure abortive | Max-Planck-Institut für Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitik - MPISOC

Übersicht der Sozialrecht Publikationen

Verso il ripensamento del compromesso sull’aborto in Germania. Riflessioni sulla recente abolizione del divieto di informare sulle procedure abortive


The article reflects on the recent reform that has lifted, under German law, the prohibition for doctors to provide information on the abortion procedures they perform. In particular, it is argued that this testifies to a fundamental change in the social and legal perception of voluntary termination of pregnancy and thus repre-sents only a first step towards a radical paradigm shift in the legal regulation of abor-tion procedures in Germany. The article shows how the ban on advertising and in-formation was an essential pillar of the legal and political compromise on abortion and analyses the implications of its liftingin the light of theconstitutionalprinciple of state neutrality.

S. 461-471
BioLaw Journal - Rivista di BioDiritto
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