Social Law Reports | Max-Planck-Institut für Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitik - MPISOC
Social Law Reports

Social Law Reports

Strban, Grega:
Development and Characteristics of Slovenian Social Security Law, Social Law Reports, Heft 8, 2024.
Ponce de León Solis, Viviana:
Chile 2023: Signs of Stability amid Polarisation and Political Stalemate, Social Law Reports, Heft 7, 2024.
Mendizabal Bermudez, Gabriela:
Mexico: Advances in the Recognition of Family Rights in Social Security, Social Law Reports, Heft 6, 2024.
Mendizabal Bermudez, Gabriela:
Überblick über das mexikanische System der sozialen Sicherung, Social Law Reports, Heft 5, 2024.
Sarlet, Ingo:
Social Security in Brazil in the Context of a Change of Government, Social Law Reports, Heft 4, 2024.
Fletcher, Michael:
Social Legislation and Policy Developments in New Zealand, Social Law Reports, Heft 3, 2024.
Carney, Terry:
Australia 2023: Patching Priority Holes in the Safety Net?, Social Law Reports, Heft 2, 2024.
Carney, Terry:
Australia: Wither the Workers’ Welfare State? - Overview Report, Social Law Reports, Heft 1, 2024.
Ponce de León Solis, Viviana:
Chile 2022: A New Opportunity for Structural Change?, Social Law Reports, Heft 6, 2023.
Hekimler, Alpay:
Sozialrechtliche Entwicklungen in der Türkei im Zeichen von Präsidentschaftswahlen und Naturkatastrophe, Social Law Reports, Heft 5, 2023.
Ponce de León Solis, Viviana:
Social Security in Chile - General Overview, Social Law Reports, Heft 4, 2023.
Mendizabal Bermudez, Gabriela:
Significant Changes: Improvement of Rights and Social Protection for Workers in Mexico, Social Law Reports, Heft 3, 2023.
Fletcher, Michael:
From Pandemic to Cost-of-Living Crisis: Social Legislation and Policy Developments in New Zealand, Social Law Reports, Heft 2, 2023.
Carney, Terry:
Australia 2022: Towards a Modest Reset?, Social Law Reports, Heft 1, 2023.
Paparrigopoulou, Patrina:
Greece: Post-Crisis Developments in Social Protection, Social Law Reports, Heft 8, 2022.
Sarlet, Ingo:
Social Security in Brazil: Redefining Minimum Income Support, Social Law Reports, Heft 7, 2022.
Sarlet, Ingo:
Addendum to Social Law Report No. 7/2022: Evolution of Social Protection Beyond Social Assistance, Social Law Reports, 2022.
Strban, Grega:
Novelties in Slovenian Social Security Law 2021/2022, Social Law Reports, Heft 6, 2022.
Mendizabal Bermudez, Gabriela:
Social Security in Mexico 2021, Social Law Reports, Heft 5, 2022.
Fletcher, Michael:
New Zealand: Progressing the Social Policy Agenda During a Pandemic, Social Law Reports, Heft 4, 2022.
Hekimler, Alpay:
Sozialrechtliche Entwicklungen in der Türkei 2021, Social Law Reports, Heft 3, 2022.
Štefko, Martin:
Social Security and Social Policy Reforms in the Czech Republic, Social Law Reports, Heft 2, 2022.
Carney, Terry:
Australia 2021: Waiting out the Pandemic?, Social Law Reports, Heft 1, 2022.
Sarlet, Ingo:
Social Security in Brazil: Public Pension Reform and Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Social Law Reports, Heft 6, 2021.
Herrmann, Peter:
Entwicklungen im Bereich Sozialer Sicherheit in Irland 2018-2020, Social Law Reports, Heft 5, 2021.
Hekimler, Alpay:
Sozialrechtliche Entwicklungen in der Türkei 2020/2021, Social Law Reports, Heft 4, 2021.
Fletcher, Michael:
Developments in Social Legislation and Policy in New Zealand 2020, Heft 3, 2021.
Mendizabal Bermudez, Gabriela:
Social Security in Mexico 2020, Social Law Reports, Heft 2, 2021.
Carney, Terry:
Australia 2020: Transitory Pandemic Protection or Structural Welfare Reform?, Social Law Reports, 2021.
Hekimler, Alpay:
Entwicklungen der Sozialpolitik und Sozialgesetzgebung in der Türkei, Social Law Reports, Heft 5, 2020.
Developments in Social Legislation and Policy in New Zealand, Social Law Reports, Heft 4, 2020.
Štefko, Martin:
Social Security and Social Policy Reforms in the Czech Republic, Social Law Reports, 2020.
Social Security in Mexico 2019, Social Law Reports, 2020.
Carney, Terry:
Australia 2019: Staying the "Same Old/Same Old" Course?, Social Law Reports, 2020.
Sarlet, Ingo:
Social Security in Brazil in Times of Crisis and Transition, Social Law Reports, 2019.
Hekimler, Alpay:
Entwicklungen im Recht des Sozialschutzes in der Türkei, Social Law Reports, 2019.
Social Security in Mexico, Social Law Reports, 2019.
Kremalis, Konstantinos:
Greece: Baby Steps after the Crisis, Social Law Reports, 2019.
Towards Wellbeing? Developments in Social Legislation and Policy in New Zealand, Social Law Reports, 2019.
Carney, Terry:
Australia 2018: Awaiting an Electoral Reboot?, Social Law Reports, 2019.
Liu, Dongmei:
Soziale Sicherheit in China: Grundlagen, Entwicklungen und das Modellprojekt „Pflegeversicherung“, Social Law Reports, 2018.
Kaufmann, Otto:
La Protection Sociale en Allemagne, Social Law Reports, 2018.
Sarlet, Ingo:
Developments in Social Security and Social Protection in Brazil, Social Law Reports, 2018.
Herrmann, Peter:
Entwicklungen im Bereich sozialer Sicherheit und Sozialschutz in Irland, Social Law Reports, 2018.
Štefko, Martin:
Developments in Social Legislation and Policy, Social Law Reports, 2018.
Kremalis, Konstantinos:
Developments in the Greek Social Security System, Social Law Reports, 2018.
Strban, Grega:
Slovenian Social Security Law: Incremental Modifications and Reform Proposals, Social Law Reports, 2018.
Social Security in Mexico, Social Law Reports, 2018.
Developments in Social Legislation and Policy in New Zealand: 'Jacindamania' and a New Government, Social Law Reports, 2018.
Carney, Terry:
Australia: Incrementalism in Action?, Social Law Reports, 2018.
Kremalis, Konstantinos:
Institutional Guarantee of Social Insurance – Modern Trends for Constitutional Reform?, Social Law Reports, 2017.
Herrmann, Peter:
Entwicklungen der sozialen Sicherheit und des Sozialschutzes in Irland, Social Law Reports, 2017.
Strban, Grega:
Social Security Law in Slovenia - Reforms and Reform Proposals, Social Law Reports, Heft 5, 2017.
Social Security in Mexico, Social Law Reports, 2017.
Štefko, Martin:
Developments in Social Legislation and Policy, Social Law Reports, 2017.
Developments in Social Legislation and Policy in New Zealand, Social Law Reports, 2017.
Carney, Terry:
Australia: An Investment State Approach?, Social Law Reports, 2017.
Herrmann, Peter:
Entwicklungen irischer Sozialpolitik, Social Law Reports, 2016.
Sarlet, Ingo:
Developments in Social Security and Social Protection in Brazil, Social Law Reports, 2016.
Štefko, Martin:
Developments in Social Legislation and Policy, Social Law Reports, 2016.
Kremalis, Konstantinos:
Social Security in Greece, Social Law Reports, 2016.
Strban, Grega:
Modernisation of Social Security Law in Slovenia, Social Law Reports, 2016.
Hekimler, Alpay:
Soziale Sicherheit in der Türkei, Social Law Reports, 2016.
Developments in Social Security Legislation in Mexico, Social Law Reports, 2016.
Developments in Social Legislation and Policy in New Zealand, Social Law Reports, 2016.
Carney, Terry:
Australia: Marking Time - Again?, Social Law Reports, 2016.
Strban, Grega:
Development of Social Security Law in Slovenia, Social Law Reports, 2015.
Štefko, Martin:
Czech Republic: Developments in Social Legislation and Policy, Social Law Reports, 2015.
Social Security in Mexico - General Overview, Social Law Reports, 2015.
Developments in Social Legislation and Policy in New Zealand, Social Law Reports, 2015.
Carney, Terry:
Australia: Building Towards a Conservative Vision of Welfare?, Social Law Reports, 2015.

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