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Rohmann, Tim:
Art. 2, 4, 7, 13, 14, 25, in: Hruschka, Constantin (Hrsg.), GFK - Genfer Flüchtlingskonvention - Handkommentar, Aufl., Baden-Baden 2022.
Gago, Angie; Hruschka, Constantin:
The Persistence of Legal Uncertainty on EU Citizens’ Access to Social Benefits in Germany, in: Journal of European Social Policy, (2022).
Hruschka, Constantin:
Hyperactive and Incoherent Legislation and Policy: Germany’s Fragmented Migration Management Within the European Framework, in: Law and Migration in a Changing World 2022, S. 369-407.
Hruschka, Constantin:
Immigration Law and Policy in Switzerland: Between Restrictive Controls and Freedom of Movement, in: Foblets, Marie-Claire; Carlier, Jean-Yves (Hrsg.), Law and Migration in a Changing World 2022, S. 681-721.
Hruschka, Constantin (Hrsg.) :
GFK - Genfer Flüchtlingskonvention - Handkommentar, Baden-Baden 2022.
Seemann, Anika:
On War, Loyalty, and Reconciliation - The German Minority during the Second World War and the Postwar Legal Reckoning, in: Like Snow in the Sun? The German Minority in Denmark in Historical Perspective, Berlin 2022.
Seemann, Anika:
“Mentalities of War, Mentalities of Peace”: Capital Punishment in the Norwegian “Treason Trials”, 1941–1948, in: Konrád, Ota; Barth, Boris; Mrňka, Jaromír (eds.): Collective Identities and Post-War Violence in Europe, 1944–48. Reshaping the Nation, Basingstoke 2022, S. 225-252.



