Irene Domenici | Max-Planck-Institut für Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitik - MPISOC
Social Law

Department of Foreign and International Social Law

Abteilung für ausländisches und internationales Sozialrecht

Dr. Irene Domenici

Senior Researcher

Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy
Marstallstr. 11, 80539 Muenchen
Tel.:+49 89 38602403
Fax:+49 89 38602490

Otto Hahn Medal

Max Planck Institute

Further Information

  • Publications
  • Projects
  • Presentations
  • Dissertation
  • Teaching
  • Events of the Institute

Publications have only been fully recorded in the database since 2003. Older publications that may have been published are included in the download PDF on this page.



Book Chapter

Domenici, Irene:
Tecnologie sanitarie innovative: il diritto di fronte all’incertezza scientifica ed etica, in: Piciocchi, Cinzia; Fasan, Marta; Reale, Carla Maria; Le (in)certezze del diritto: Atti delle giornate di studio 17-18 gennaio 2019 2021, pp. 295-313.

Journal Article

Domenici, Irene; Günther, Christian; Domenici, Irene; Günther, Christian; Domenici, Irene; Günther, Christian:
Ein prozeduraler Ansatz zur Umsetzung von nicht-invasiven Pränataltests in der GKV: Lessons from England, in: Medizinrecht, (2024) 42, p. 870-879.
Domenici, Irene; Busatta, Lucia:
Criteri allocativi e scelte tragiche in sanità: quale lezione dalla pandemia?, in: Rivista italiana di cure palliative, (2023) 25, p. 233-238.
Günther, Christian; Tonti, Lauren; Domenici, Irene:
Vaccination as an Equaliser? Evaluating COVID-19 Vaccine Prioritisation and Compensation, in: Medical Law Review, 30 (2022) 4, p. 584-609.
Domenici, Irene; Villarreal, Pedro:
Guest Editorial: The Fragmented Nature of Pandemic Decision-making: A Comparative and Multilevel Legal Analysis, in: European Journal of Health Law, 29 (2022) 1, p. 1-5.
Domenici, Irene; Grinblat, Roman; Hardenberg, Simone von:
Einbindung neuer In-vitro-Diagnostika in die GKV – Lösungsansätze aus vergleichender Perspektive (Teil 1), in: Medizinrecht, (2021) 39, p. 875–880.
Hardenberg, Simone von; Domenici, Irene; Grinblat, Roman:
Einbindung neuer In-vitro-Diagnostika in die GKV: Lösungsansätze aus vergleichender Perspektive (Teil 2), in: Medizinrecht, (2021) 39, p. 964–970.
Domenici, Irene; Günther, Christian:
Judging commercial surrogacy and public policy: an analysis of Whittington Hospital NHS Trust v XX (UK Supreme Court), in: BioLaw Journal - Rivista di BioDiritto, no. 2 (2020), (2020).
Domenici, Irene; Rohmann, Tim:
Un’«imposizione democratica»: l’ordinamento costituzionale tedesco di fronte alla pandemia, in: BioLaw Journal - Rivista di BioDiritto, (2020) Special Issue 1/20, p. 697-702.
Domenici, Irene:
Obiezione di coscienza e aborto: prospettive comparate, in: BioLaw Journal – Rivista di BioDiritto, (2018) 3, p. 19-31.
Domenici, Irene; Schnelle, Franciska Margarete:
The Institutional Tragedy of Pandemic Triage Regulation in Italy and Germany, in: European Journal of Health Law, 29 1, p. 103–130.

Case Note

Electronic Source

Domenici, Irene; Domenici, Irene:
Sustainability of Conscientious Objection: The Case of Abortion in the Italian Healthcare System, 13.12.2023,
Domenici, Irene; Rohmann, Tim:
How to protect the Vulnerable?, 15.04.2020,